Sharon Housing Partnership

January 9, 2008  Meeting Minutes- Approved February 6, 2008


In attendance: Jane Desberg, Mary Tobin, Susan Saunders, Alan Lury and Warren Kirshenbaum.

Also in attendance Pamela Goodman and Jason Korb from Beacon Community Development and Spencer Welton from Simpson Housing LLLP


Beacon Properties- Wilber School

Ms. Goodman gave a short overview of Beacon Community Development. This group is involved in both affordable and market rate development and has been involved in the development of over 8000 units. Mixed income projects generally result in market to affordables at 80/20 or 90/10 ratios. Recent BCD projects include an intergenerational development in Western Massachusetts-“Tree House at East Hampton Meadows”, an historical rehab in downtown Haverhill, as well as projects in Watertown and Randolph.

Joe Timilty contacted BCD about the Wilber School. This property’s proximity to transportation and its historical value was of particular interest.


Jason Korb presented a short overview of the plans for the Wilber. The building was built in 1920. In 1929 an addition was added and the building was used as the Sharon High School. At the Sharon Board of Selectmen’s suggestion the Wilber School project is being developed under a comprehensive permit and is not technically a LIP. The ground lease has been signed and is in effect for 75 years. The Town will receive 1.375 million dollars when funding is approved. The town will be retaining an acre of the land for later use.


Plans are initially for the development of 75 units. Four additional units will be added upon completion of the project. The existing building will be developed into 35 apartment units. A new expansion is planned and this will provide an additional 40 units. These will be one and two bedroom units- about 30 will be one bedroom/ 40 two bedroom. Federal and state tax credits have been finalized. BCD has filed for Low-Income tax credits and Historical tax credits.  Of the 75 units, 20% (15 units) will be affordable. Twelve of these units will be affordable at 50% AMI, three at 30% AMI. They have applied for eight project based Section 8 units. All eight of these will be 2 bedroom units. Seven affordable units will be one bedroom. Rents will be approximately $1400-2200 for market rate and $700-1000 for the affordable units. Five percent of the project's units will be handicap accessible; 2% designed for the hearing impaired.


There will be a sewage treatment facility comprised of a separate building, tanks and leaching field (in front of building and under parking lot). This system is designed to release ½ the nitrates of standard systems. The septic design allows for abutters and town hall to tie in. Buildings will be built to LEAD standards (silver). There will be a total of 129 bedrooms and 136 parking spaces.  The time from ground breaking to completion is scheduled for 12-14 months.


Simpson Properties

Spencer Welton gave a short overview and update regarding their proposed development planned for land on Route 1 next to the Lexus dealership. Originally 180 units were planned. Because the Town of Walpole denied the original project's access to sewer, new plans have been developed that include the purchase of three house lots from the abutting Carriage Lane project. The current proposal is for 204 units. The three added lots will be used for the sewage treatment  facility which will be accessed by overground piping. Twenty–five percent (51) of the proposed units will be affordable. Half of the 204 units will be one bedroom, the remainder two bedroom units.

Market rate unit one bedroom rents will be $1000-1130; two bedroom $1400-2000.

Mr. Welton discussed three issues the ZBA has raised concerns with:

  1. This land is zoned for commercial. The ZBA is concerned that a housing development on this property will result in lower tax revenues for the Town. Mr. Welton counters that the numbers suggest that the proposed development will provide about equal revenue.
  2. The ZBA is concerned about the access on Route 1 and the close proximity to the 95 on and off ramps.
  3. The ZBA has also raised concerns regarding a proposed retaining wall that may pose safety issues.

Mr. Welton asked for the SHP's support at the next ZBA Hearing.


The affordable rents were discussed. Presently rental calculations for these units are based on 80% AMI. Jane Desberg reiterated the Partnership's opinion that these rents be based on 70%AMI.  Mary Tobin suggested that this project is likely to move the Town to its 10% affordable housing quota and is therefore critical that the rents meet the needs of the community.


Annual Report

Mary Tobin will revise recent article sent to the Advocate for this purpose.


Inclusionary Zoning

Jane Desberg has sent an e-mail to Brickstone regarding their request for Senior Overlay District exemption.


Old Business

Jane Desberg sent a request for $500 to fund the SHP to Ben Puritz. Ben is following up on this.

Jane Desberg will contact Fred Clark of Hunters Ridge about construction status of affordable units.

The Horizons for Youth Reuse Committee has asked the SHP to come and discuss the Partnership's request for a small piece of the property for the development of affordable housing.

The SHP will be appearing before the ZBA on February 13th to discuss the purpose and goals of the SHP.

The group decided to change meeting time and place.

The next meeting of the SHP is scheduled for Wednesday February 6, 2008, 7PM. At the New Community Center.